Belding Farm Puppy is a 100% black (carries red) Highland cow. Born 2007, out of Girl (45” at age 21), sired by Otto (42” at age 3), Puppy measured in at 40” at age 3 and classified as a full miniature. At age 9, Puppy measured in at 43.” Puppy has excellent hair, a long and thick dossen, and that wonderful round sheep dog looking face that we have been selecting and breeding for. Puppy’s retained calves are Lassie and Bernese.

Xenia’s Lindsay is a mahogany red 100% Highland cow. Born in 2007, Lindsay is out of registered parents. Her mother measured in at 43” at age 7 and her sire measured in at 41” at age 3. Lindsay is our smallest foundation 100% Highland cow, measuring in at 40” at age 3 and 42.5” at age 9. We retained Lindsay’s 2013 daughter Ruby sired by Thor (40” at age 3) who is one of our sweetest 1st generation Thor calves. Lindsay’s coat is very thick and long in the winter but she sheds to a thinner coat in the summer. Lindsay’s dossen is always full and long. Lindsay’s retained calf is Ruby.

Double J Sabrina is a dun Highland cow out of registered show stock. Born in 2004, Sabrina is one of our foundation cows, selected for her excellent conformation, long coat, thick dossen, and round face. Though one of our larger foundation girls, Sabrina is a stunning example of a Highland cow; she has the look that we are breeding for in our miniature Highlands. Sabrina has produced some of our most stunning calves, including Lakeport TS Ashley and Lakeport MS Hank, which have been retained for our breeding program. Sabrina measured in at 44.5” at age 12. Sabrina’s retained calves are Ashley and Hank.

Double J Alena is a 2008 cream (double dilute of red) Highland cow out of registered show stock. Alena won best of breed, best Highland cow/calf pair, and her calves have always taken first place when shown. Alena has excellent conformation and THE look that we are breeding for in our miniature Highlands. She has ample hair, a thick dossen, a compact body, an excellent udder, and that round sheep dog face. Sadly, Alena has never had a heifer calf; all of her bull calves have sold as herd sires. Alena measured in at 42” at age 3 and at 44” at age 8. Alena's retained calf is Rusty.

Double J Hailey 2006 45.5 at age 10, 43" at age 3

Rainbow Hills Daisey Born in 2005, Daisey is a very white (double dilute of red, but she appears white instead of cream in color) 100% Highland cow. Daisy measured in at 41” at age 4 and 44” at age 11. Daisy is very fine boned and is a bit leggy, but her calves out of Thor, Rusty, and Hank have all been very small; all have measured in as full miniatures at age 3. Daisy has a good hair coat and a nice dossen. Daisy is a very sweet girl, but in our group of horned foundation girls, she is very low on the pecking order and is a bit jumpy. Her calves are also very sweet but benefit from being bottle fed. Daisy’s retained calves are: Shasta and Lars.

Belding Farm Girl 1996 45" at age 20, 44" at age 10

Belding Farm Stormy 2007

Windham Hills Chloe born in 2003, Chloe is a cream (double dilute of red) 100% Highland cow out of registered stock. Chloe is one of our smallest foundation cows. We purchased Chloe in 2008 at age 5 and she measured in at 41.” At age 13, Chloe measured in at 43.5.” Chloe has a classic Kyloe appearance with a more slender horn, smaller stature, and a very thick hair coat with ample dossen. Bred to Thor, Chloe has produced some of our smallest Highland calves, weighing in at 25-30 pounds, her calves have also measured in as our shortest 100% and percentage Highland calves each year and at the official measurement age of 3. Chloe is fairly low on the pecking order and is a bit high strung as a result. Her calves are similarly more anxious but do well with training and do very well when bottle fed. Chloe’s retained calves are Lacey and Guinness.

Double J Ginger, born summer 2010, Ginger is a 100% Highland yellow (red with 1 dilute gene) cow out of registered show stock. Ginger measured in at 42” at age 3 and measured in at 44” at age 6. Ginger has one of the best hair coats of our foundation stock. Ginger has a very thick and long dossen; she retains a thick coat even in the summer. A bit of a clown, Ginger has a wonderful temperament and is a farm favorite. Ginger’s retained calves are Gloria and Joy.

Austin Farms Kendall, Born spring 2010, Kendall is a very loudly marked yellow brindle (red with 1 dilute gene + brindle gene) 100% Highland out of registered parents. Kendall measured in at 41” at age 3 and at 43” at age 6. Kendall has been shown twice and won best of breed each time she was shown. Kendall has excellent conformation and produces sweet calves. Kendall’s retained calf is Midas.

Austin Farms Jade born in 2010 46" at age 6, 43" at age 3

Lakeport TC Lacey 42"

Lakeport TP Bernese born in 2012, Bernese is a black (carries red) 100% miniature Highland cow out of Puppy sired by Thor. Measuring in at 41” at age 4, Bernese classifies as a full miniature. Bernese has excellent hair with a full dossen. She has been shown twice and has taken 2nd for her age group both times.
Lakeport TG Jenna 40.5" at age 4

Lakeport TD Shasta 37" at age 2
Lakeport TS Ashley 40.5" at age 4

Lakeport TP Lassie 40.5" at age 3

Lakeport TL Ruby 40" at age 3.5

Lakeport TG Gloria

Lakeport RS Smidgen born October 17, 2015 32" at age 10 months
Lakeport RH Hannah born October 27, 2015 34.5" at age 10 months

Lakeport RG Joy is a micro miniature 87.5% Highland 12.5% Dexter heifer. Born April 15, 2017, Joy is out of Ginger, sired by Rusty. Like her mother, Joy has an excellent coat and the sweetest temperament. We are thrilled to add this heifer to our breeding program!

Lakeport TL Lilly born January 5, 2017